“The love of a family is life's greatest blessing”

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Just one of those days

Have you ever just woke up and knew immediately it was going to be one of those days.  The first thing I thought about when I woke up was the horrible night at work the night before and the huge pounding in my head.  All I wanted to do was go right back to sleep so I wouldn't have to think or feel and that is exactly what I did, yet was woken up by a phone call that delivered more bad news.  

We all have bad days but life does not stop so we can pick ourselves up and start over.   Life just keeps moving and if you stop you will get left behind.  I just have to try and remember that God is in control and trust that everything will turn out okay.  Everyone has their own trials, so sometimes just calling a friend and being a good listener for them helps me forget for a little while about all of the things that I worry about on a daily basis.  Every now and then while being a great listening friend I hear something from them that makes me think, I am not alone , or how could I be so selfish. Everyone has worries, difficulties , and struggles but its how you deal with them that is most important.  This is something I am still trying to learn and honestly may never learn.  The saying "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade", well I have never made lemonade.  Its seems as if I like to keep those lemons and never let them go.  I just have to remember there are so many other people in the world that are hurting and life has really given them a beaten, and when I do that I realize that God is in charge of my life and it's not near as bad as I sometimes believe it is.

So once I finally found my way out of bed and got in the car to go pick up the boys from school I knew my day was about to get a whole lot better.  As I am sitting in car line waiting for the two most important people in my life to come around the corner with smiles on there faces I realize I am truly blessed.  They both get in the car and start telling me all about their night last night and their school day today.  My 4th grader begins telling me about what they did during recess, that his trumpet teacher told him he was doing an amazing job, while the whole time my 7th grader was dying to get my attention as well.  As soon as Brandt finished telling me all about his day , its finally Bryce's turn and he begins by saying "guess what happened during my basketball game last night?"  I knew it was something big, or at least to him, so I couldn't wait to hear.  He proceeded to tell me that he got put in the game and got his very first rebound!! At this very moment, I felt a little sad again because I wasn't there to experience this moment with him as I had to work, which is something I struggle with everyday simply because I feel as if I am missing so much of their lives because of the this thing called "work" yet he was so excited and I was so happy for him that this and everything else that bothered me all day simply disappeared. 

Tomorrow is another day and I am hoping to wake up in the morning with a brighter outlook on life!!